Saturday, April 24, 2010


I didn't want to do this... but the Universe made me

Sometimes the Universe sends things our way, and we don't exactly know why and may never know why. And I don't know about you, but it seems to do that MORE when I resist something. 

"What you resist persists." ~ Carl Jung

 now you know where The Secret got that quote from 

 In simple terms, the action of pushing against something to keep it away is the very thing that gives it the energy to stay in our lives. This is particularly true of  emotions or situations we are avoiding. 

If we avoid them long enough, or suppress or resist them, then the Universe notices this unresolved issue and continues to send us stronger and stronger signals until we finally accept the simple truth:

"Resistance is futile." ~ The Borg, Star Trek Next Generation

The only way to truly resolve a situation is, as Guy Finley says, "ENTER INTO IT." For example, he says that the way we eliminate fear is not by running, but rather, entering into that which we fear. 

We must embrace the very situation we want to go away, because in embracing it, we accept it wholly, and through our acceptance that situation no longer has the same kind of power to control us.

(now you see why I favor Captain Kirk - he always went into dangerous situations and came out a hero!)

Now in my case, the phrase "Enter Into It" has a very literal meaning...

See, for a while now I've known about something, and chosen intentionally not to participate. And as the signals got stronger that perhaps I should consider entering into it, I continued to choose not to.

Well this last week, the signals got so loud that I realized - I better enter into it NOW, or else the Universe is going to hit me upside the head by a brick of concrete!


About ggrty -

I'm a typical character as everybody tag me. Learning from life as it presents is my daily activity. Listening to others what life has offered them is my passion. Living life to the fullest is my ambition. A person is a success who gets up in the morning, goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do!

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