Friday, March 15, 2013


Execute Your Powers

Power of ….

  1. Time
  2. Money
  3. Work / Effort
  4. Mind / Knowledge
  5. Body / Health
  6. Contacts / Friends
  7. God
  8. SMART Goals / Goals
  9. Law of Attraction
  10. Discipline
  11. Confidence
  12. Motivation
  13. Will
  14. Happiness / Smile / Joy / Laughter / Cheer
  15. Actions
  16. Habits
  17. Opposites
  18. Role Models
  19. Rewards
  20. Subconscious Mind
  21. Anchors
  22. Physiology
  23. Activity Shift
  24. De-clutter
  25. Now / Up Until Now
  26. Push
  27. Starting Up
  28. Small Steps
  29. Inertia
  30. Gratitude
  31. Interest
  32. Silence
  33. Prayer
  34. Meditation
  35. Exercise
  36. Decisions
  37. Optimism
  38. Diary
  39. Affirmations
  40. Thoughts
  41. Zeal
  42. Questions
  43. Ignore
  44. Rest
  45. Solitude
  46. Shake Up
  47. Priorities
  48. Purpose
  49. Speed
  50. Dreams
  51. Focus
  52. Love
  53. Accountability
  54. Responsibility
  55. Balance
  56. Clarity
  57. Truthfulness / Honesty
  58. Abundance
  59. Beliefs
  60. Forgiveness
  61. Patience
  62. Perseverance
  63. Persistence
  64. Priorities
  65. Retrospect
  66. Visualization
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


6 steps to take

When you catch yourself obsessing on what you don't want 
here are the 6 steps you take:

  1. Get excited

  2. Remind yourself that what you DON'T want is the doorway
    to knowing what you DO want.

  3. IMMEDIATELY take a few minutes to focus on, picture, and write
    down EXACTLY what it is that you DO WANT. Get into it and really
    tap into how having what you do want makes you feel.

  4. Ask yourself 'What one SMALL step can I take right now that will
    absolutely move me toward what I do want?' (Make it a SMALL step)


  6. Let it go and go on with your day.

Don't be scared of what you don't want...instead use it as a tool to get 
crystal clear on what you do want and start taking inspired action toward it. 
And remember to celebrate!


Author: Kristen



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Tuesday, March 12, 2013


NLP Techniques–Anchoring

We are going to learn all about an easy to learn technique called anchoring, a simple way to allow you to change any unwanted feeling to a resourceful feeling in a matter of moments. When you create an NLP anchor you set up a stimulus response pattern so that you can feel the way you want to, whenever you need to.

Imagine what it would be like if you could, in a moment, go from feeling anxious to feeling decisive and absolutely capable right in the middle of a stressful interview when all eyes are on you. Would that skill make a big difference to your ability to make a good impression? Would it improve your odds of getting the job you deserve? Of course it would! NLP can help you to do just that. I will now outline how to establish an NLP anchor. Each step is concise and must be followed exactly to ensure you create a powerful anchor.

Creating an NLP Anchor

Identify the emotional state you want e.g. confidence, calmness, enthusiasm. This step is crucial. You need to define very specifically how you want to feel. Choosing to feel powerful and enthusiastic is specific and something you can work towards using the NLP Anchoring technique. Saying that you do not want to feel anxious or tense is not much help because you still do not know what you do want.

Select a desired state i.e. specifically how you want to feel. Recall a particular time in your life when you felt the desired state. Pick a powerful example. It is worthwhile looking back at your memories to relive times when you had this desired state, the context is unimportant, what is important is recalling a few particularly strong experiences and then selecting the most powerful one.

To create the state in your imagination, NLP Suggests you should put yourself back into that experience as if it is happening in this moment. Notice what you see, hear what you were hearing, feel what you were feeling in the moment. Allow it to be as if it is happening. Notice how the state builds to a peak and then declines.

Now repeat this process only this time just as the state is about to peak, make a unique gesture with the fingers of one hand as you say a word or phrase to evoke the feeling, while also visualizing an image that represents the state. e.g. clench your left fist as you softly say to yourself ICE COOL...while you picture someone who represents calmness for you e.g. a Buddhist monk. Hold the state for a few moments, release the anchors and then break state (change your emotional state by thinking about something completely different and by changing your posture).

Now you must go through this whole procedure about five times in order as to build a resilient NLP anchor. This repetition is crucial.

Test the anchors by firing them (make the unique gesture, say the word/phrase, picture the person that represents calmness) and check that you do experience the desired state. You will know that you have successfully anchored the resource when you can access the desired state by firing any one of the component anchors i.e. the visual (picture), auditory (word/phrase) or feeling (gesture) anchor. You ought to feel the anchored state within 10-15 seconds. If the feeling is not satisfactory then choose a different experience that more precisely gives you the appropriate state.

To make sure your anchoring works as well as possible you need to learn about the secrets to powerful NLP anchoring. There are six distinctions that will supercharge your anchoring skills.

Secrets of NLP Anchoring

Only anchor an intense state i.e. a strongly felt experience.

Pick an experience that is pure and not mixed with other feelings.

Use unique anchors so the state is accessed at will.

Timing is crucial, fire the anchors before the peak and release before the peak declines.

Spend time at NLP anchoring to become skilful. Allow 20-30 minutes per session.

Reinforce periodically to keep the NLP anchor strong since the intensity may fade over time.

Using NLP anchors can make a massive difference to your ability to deal with people. Instead of hoping you will feel capable when you next need to express yourself, just fire your NLP anchor and in a moment feel the way you want to feel.

Maybe you want to feel relaxed in that crucial job interview, fire your relaxation anchor and you have it in an instant. Perhaps you want to feel powerful, then fire your power anchor and in a few moments you can go from feeling like you are under surveillance to feeling in charge of your feelings and your world.

You can also stack NLP anchors. This means that you would select your desired state and anchor it as above and then repeat the process with a different state but using the same gesture, word and picture. For example you could anchor confidence to a clenched left fist, say POWER and picture James Bond. Then you could start the anchoring process again to anchor a time when you had a huge grin on your face to the same clenched left fist, POWER and the image of James Bond. Before you know it you will be able to feel powerful AND happy in a moment. How about stacking enthusiasm too? This is how I do so well in business when meeting people for the first time.

I always have a powerful NLP anchor ready whenever I need it. Just before a key meeting I will fire the anchor to ensure a great first impression, then during the meeting I will fire the anchor again whenever I feel my state slip. Will people spot you firing the anchor? No! The secret is to be subtle. You could say the word or phrase to yourself quietly in your head or just imagine that image that evokes the desired state. I like to anchor using subtle gestures such as bringing three fingertips together with a unique pressure.

This can be done without anyone noticing. NLP anchoring is a life skill that will work for whatever you apply it to. It has relevance for work, family life and relationships. Let's say your spouse has a special talent for getting on your nerves, just fire your calmness anchor and instantly you will have freedom from the torment!

Take some time as well to review your top goals and values. Then decide which emotional states you need to achieve these goals. Create a list of these feelings and schedule 20-30 minutes to set up an NLP anchor for each one.

Make notes to remind yourself which triggers you will use for each state. Although this may seem unusual at first, with practice this will become second nature. Approach it from the point of view of having fun learning something different and you will soon become skilled at anchoring. When I first learned about NLP anchoring I made a point of anchoring three resourceful states a day. You would be amazed at how quickly your life expands when you are feeling phenomenal!

You set an NLP anchor by associating a unique trigger to a certain state. When in that state, trigger a unique anchor to associate the anchor and the state together.

After repeating that process numerous times, that state will be conditioned to the anchor. Subsequently when you trigger that anchor later on, it will bring you to that state.

Here's an example. When you are in happy state, anchor that feeling to a unique trigger, let's say a light pinch on the palm of your left hand. Repeat that process numerous times. Once it is conditioned, each time you pinch your left palm you will be in a state of happiness.

The steps below are the way to set NLP anchors. Let's say you want to set an anchor for happiness.

1. Get yourself into a happy state. Think of a past experiences when you were happy. Construct happy thoughts and images. Visualize yourself and your loved ones smiling, laughing etc.

2. At the peak of your state, at the most intense feeling happiness, fire off a unique anchor. Let's say to pinch your left palm. Fire off the anchor a few more times (means pinching your palm a few more times) as long as you are still in that peak state.

3. Change to a neutral state. Break your state by standing up, moving around, shaking yourself out of it. Then repeat the process again. After numerous repetitions, the state will be anchored into you.

A fairly simple process although getting into the desired state in the first place may prove to be a problem for some people. The best way to get into the desired state would be to remember and re-live the memory of past experiences when you were in that state. When there isn't any relevant past experiences, constructing images or sounds of situations with that experience may help.

The effectiveness of an NLP anchor that you set depends on the following ;

• The intensity of the state – the stronger the intensity the better. Likewise if you set the anchor in a low intensity state, the effect will weak.

• Timing of the anchor – The timing of triggering the anchor is just as important. To be most effective, only trigger the anchor at the peak moment of the state. At it's most intense moment.

• Uniqueness of the anchor – Make sure your anchor is unique. Something that you don't normally do, see or hear everyday. For example actions like scratching, snapping your fingers or clapping hands are pretty common and we do it quite often. Use something really unique which isn't part of your daily routine or gestures.

• Number of repetitions – Naturally the more repetitions you make, the more conditioned the anchor becomes. So make sure you do enough repetitions to make it conditioned.

Advanced NLP anchoring

Moving forward from the basic anchoring technique, in the more advanced NLP anchoring technique we involve 2 anchors. There are 2 ways to use this technique ;

• 2 positive anchors can be paired up together so that the 2 strong states will be integrated together. This is called Integrating Anchors.

• 1 positive and 1 negative anchor are paired up. This is done to chain the negative anchor to the positive one. By doing so, whenever you start to feel the negative state it will flow to the positive state. This is called chaining anchors.

Integrating Anchors

Here is the process for integrating anchors.

1. Using the same method as above, get yourself into a desired state #1.

2. At the peak of the state, fire off a unique anchor, anchor #1.

3. Break your state by standing up, moving around, shaking yourself out of it.

4. Repeat a few times.

5. Now repeat the first 4 steps with another state and anchor. (state #2 and anchor #2)

6. Integration. Get into state #1 & fire anchor #1. While experiencing that state fire anchor #2. Let the 2 experiences mix and watch and listen to everything that happens as those two experiences combine to make you even stronger and better.

This can be used for example in integrating energy and creativity together so that you can perform even better in your job.

Chaining anchors

Chaining anchors can be used to bring yourself from a negative state that you usually feel to a positive one. For example you usually get upset when stuck in traffic jam. By chaining anchors, you can chain the state of calmness to it so that the next time you are stuck in traffic, you instead of being upset you will be calm.

Here is how to chain anchors using the example above;

1. Get yourself into a calm and relaxed state.

2. At the peak of the state, fire off anchor #1.

3. Break state and repeat steps a few times.

4. Now visualize yourself stuck in traffic. Experience the unhappiness and feeling upset.

5. Fire off anchor #2 at the peak of the state.

6. Break state and repeat a few times.

7. Now chain both anchors together. Start by visualizing yourself in traffic, then fire off anchor #2. Visualize yourself as you start to feel upset because of the traffic (fire off anchor #1) suddenly you feel a calmness and relaxed feeling.

In chaining anchors, make sure that your negative anchor is not too intense. Your positive anchor must be stronger than the negative anchor. Or else the stronger negative anchor will overpower the positive anchor instead and turn it negative.

That's about it for NLP anchoring. Practice makes perfect.The good thing is that if you are doing it right, you will immediately know it because of it's impact. So there's no guessing whether you got it right or not.

Take some time to master it. As long as you follow the steps and take note of the 4 keys to effective anchoring, you'll be fine.

Have fun!

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How to use the law of inertia to change your life by linda gabriel

Law Of Inertia

A True Story about the Healing Power of Inertia

I'm 18 years old and it's the day after I've had major surgery. If you've never had surgery it might surprise you to know that in most cases, they get patients up within 24 hours after an operation. People who get moving have fewer complications and get better faster. The only problem is, because I had to undergo several pre-op tests, I've had nothing to eat for at least 5 days. I'm in a lot of pain and I'm extremely weak.

Get up and walk? Are they serious? All I want to do is lie still and rest.

The nurse walks into my room, cranks up the back of my hospital bed and insists that I sit up. I want to cooperate but my muscles don't. Even though I struggle with everything I've got, it seems like my back is super-glued to the sheet which is now soaked with the sweat of my exertion.

The nurse and I are both frustrated. But she is kind and finally gives me an assist, pulling me forward and helping me swing my legs over the side of the bed. She lifts me up onto my feet and…
I faint.

I'm not that big but 130 pounds of dead weight is more than she can handle. I'm vaguely aware as she collects my gangly arms and legs and dumps me back into bed.

Every 3-4 hours we try again. Every time I stand up, I faint. It doesn't help that they give me a pain shot beforehand so I'll be able to cope with the excruciating pain of my still-fresh incision. Each time we try I feel even weaker. Every fiber of my being just wants to stay horizontal.

By the next afternoon I still haven't been able to pry my own back away from the hospital bed - let alone take a walk down the hall, which is our ultimate goal. The nurse is afraid if she drops me I could get injured but she's not a quitter. As she tucks my exhausted body back into bed she mutters, “I have an idea.”

Later that evening she waltzes into my room accompanied by her “idea” – a strapping young resident from another floor named Dr. Valentine. He's about 6'5″ and looks more like an NFL linebacker than your stereotypical doctor. He's kind but stern. There is no way I'm not getting out of that bed and taking a walk down the hall with him. He's all business. His strength is comforting and a little bit scary.

Before I know it he lifts me up into a standing position. As usual the black snow fills my vision and I begin to faint. But Dr. Valentine doesn't let go. He calmly holds me against his chest until I stabilize. It takes a few minutes but finally my head clears. The next thing I know Dr. Valentine is puppet-walking me out the door and into the hall. I feel like Raggedy Ann but with his help I go through the motions. Then it's back to bed.

I'm exhausted – more weary than I've ever felt in my life.

Here's the surprise: the next morning I'm able to get up on my own!

This time I can actually sit up and get out of bed. I don't faint and and I'm able to walk down the hall on the arm of my very proud nurse. It still hurts, but each time it gets easier. By the next day, I'm able to get up and walk whenever I want… on my own. And I just kept walking back to a normal healthy life. (Thank you Dr. Valentine wherever you are!)

The Law of Inertia

Most people know that inertia is the force that keeps things stuck. As the law of physics states, “Inertia is the tendency for a body at rest to stay at rest.”

But that's only half of the story.

The Law of Inertia actually says that things tend to keep doing what they are doing – unless some outside force intervenes. While it's true that something that isn't moving will tend to stay that way, that's only half of the law. The other half says, “A body in motion will tend to stay in motion.”

The Tipping Point

The moment an outside force changes non-movement to movement – or vice versa – is a “tipping point.” That day in the hospital, Dr. Valentine was my tipping point. He was the “outside force” that got me moving again. From that point on it was easier because inertia now was working in my favor to help me keep moving.

How to Create a Tipping Point to Leverage the Power of Inertia

A few years ago I decided to start taking early morning hikes several days a week. I had a lot of trouble getting out the door. I was out of shape and as much as I focused on how good for my health daily walking and hiking would be, my attempts to get started were sporadic at best.

As a coach I know that it takes 21 days to “install” a habit. Finally I made a deal with myself to take a walk every day for a few weeks. Not Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every day. To keep track I put a big “W” on my wall calendar each day I've kept that promise to myself.

I know it sounds silly but after a few days I didn't want to break the zig-zag chain of W's on my calendar. Even if I got busy and hadn't yet walked, I'd sneak in a quick 5-minute stroll in the evening so I could earn my W and not break the chain. I liked watching the pattern grow.

My tipping point was a seemingly silly compulsion to keep the WWWWW chain unbroken!

After about 3 weeks I didn't have to use the calendar trick any more. Soon I wasn't just walking, I was hiking nearly every day. The Power of Inertia had taken over and movement was now my new pattern. The calendar trick helped tip the Law of Inertia to my side. Those 5 minute evening walks helped too. Why? Because if something is moving, it will tend to keep moving.

Behold the Power of Inertia!

If you want to change something in your life, and it feels overwhelming, it helps to remember that a tipping point can be a very small change. You can leverage the Power of Inertia if you are willing to go through a small bit of discomfort. Then it will get easier.

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The Habit of Starting Post by Leo Babauta.

The biggest reason people fail at creating and sticking to new habits is that they don't keep doing it.

That seems obvious: if you don't keep doing a habit, it won't really become a habit. So what's the solution to this obvious problem? Find a way to keep doing it.

When you look at it this way, the key to forming a habit is not how much you do of the habit each day (exercise for 30 minutes, write 1,000 words, etc.), but whether you do it at all. So the key is just getting started.

Let me emphasize that: the key to forming a habit is starting each day.

What do I mean by starting? If you want to form the habit of meditation, just get your butt on the cushion each day. If you want to form the habit of running, just lace up your shoes and get out the door. If you want to form the habit of writing, just sit down, close everything else on your computer, and start typing.

Form the habit of starting, and you'll get good at forming habits.

How to Start When You Face Resistance

Form the habit of starting — easier said than done, right? What happens when you wake up and don't feel like doing yoga or your beach body exercise DVD?

Let's first take a look at why you don't feel like starting. It's usually for one or both of these reasons:

You are comfortable with what you're doing (reading online, probably), and the habit is less comfortable (it's too hard). We cling to the comfortable.

It's too difficult to get started — to do the habit, you have to get a bunch of equipment out of your garage, or drive 20 minutes to the gym, or go get a bunch of ingredients, etc.

Those are the main two reasons, and really they're the same thing.

So the solution is to make it easier and more comfortable to do the habit, and easier to get started. Some ways to do that:

Focus on the smallest thing — just getting started. You don't have to do even 5 minutes — just start. That's so easy it's hard to say no.

Prepare everything you need to get started earlier. So if you need some equipment, get it ready well before you have to start, like the evening before, or in the morning if you have to do it in the afternoon, or at least an hour before. Then when it's time to start, there is no barrier.

Make the habit something you can do where you are, instead of having to drive there.

If you have to drive or walk somewhere, have someone meet you there. Then you're less likely to stay home (or at work), and more likely to go — and going there is the same thing as getting started. This works because you're making it less comfortable to not start — the idea of leaving a friend waiting for you at the gym or park is not a comfortable one.

Tell people you're going to do the habit of starting your habit every day for 30 days. Having this kind of accountability motivates you to get started, and makes it less comfortable not to start.

Start with the easiest version of the habit, so that it's easy to start. For example, if you want to form the habit of reading, don't start with Joyce, but with Grisham or Stephen King or whoever you find fun and easy to read. If you want to start yoga, don't start with a really challenging routine, but an easy series of sun salutations.

Make it as easy as possible to start, and hard to not start. Tell yourself that all you have to do is lace up your shoes and get out the door, and you'll have a hard time saying no. Once you've started, you'll feel good and probably want to continue (though that's not a necessity).
The start is a sunrise: a moment of brilliance that signals something joyful has arrived. Learn to love that moment of brilliance, and your habit troubles fade like the night.

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The Time to react by Jim Rohn

Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong.

Let's say you would like to build your library. If that is a strong desire for you, what you've got to do is get the first book. Then get the second book.

Take action as soon as possible, before the feeling passes and before the idea dims. If you don't, here's what happens…


We intend to take action when the idea strikes us. We intend to do something when the emotion is high. But if we don't translate that intention into action fairly soon, the urgency starts to diminish. A month from now the passion is cold. A year from now it can't be found.
So take action. Set up a discipline when the emotions are high and the idea is strong, clear, and powerful. If somebody talks about good health and you're motivated by it, you need to get a book on nutrition. Get the book before the idea passes, before the emotion gets cold. Begin the process. Fall on the floor and do some push-ups. You've got to take action; otherwise the wisdom is wasted. The emotion soon passes unless you apply it to a disciplined activity. Discipline enables you to capture the emotion and the wisdom and translate them into action. The key is to increase your motivation by quickly setting up the disciplines. By doing so, you've started a whole new life process.

Here is the greatest value of discipline: self-worth, also known as self-esteem. Many people who are teaching self-esteem these days don't connect it to discipline. But once we sense the least lack of discipline within ourselves, it starts to erode our psyche. One of the greatest temptations is to just ease up a little bit. Instead of doing your best, you allow yourself to do just a little less than your best. Sure enough, you've started in the slightest way to decrease your sense of self-worth.

There is a problem with even a little bit of neglect. Neglect starts as an infection. If you don't take care of it, it becomes a disease. And one neglect leads to another. Worst of all, when neglect starts, it diminishes our self-worth.

Once this has happened, how can you regain your self-respect? All you have to do is act now! Start with the smallest discipline that corresponds to your own philosophy. Make the commitment: “I will discipline myself to achieve my goals so that in the years ahead I can celebrate my successes.”

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Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins



‘Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its very existence on its stated purpose’ – Benjamin Disraeli.

Have you ever considered what the variables are that create differences in the quality of people’s lives? How is it that people from humble beginnings and disadvantaged circumstances go on to great heights of achievement, their lives serving as shining, inspirational examples to others?

Some do this despite overwhelming obstacles.

Others from privileged backgrounds and with every opportunity for success end up leading lives of bitterness and frustration, often littered with broken relationships and chemical addictions.

Many years ago, Anthony Robbins asked himself that very question. He was alone in his tiny bachelor flat in California, "crying into his pretzels’, listening to melancholy "love gone wrong" pop songs and contemplating his miserable lot. He was broke, overweight, frustrated and wondering if he would actually survive.

How Do They Do It?

In considering the lives of remarkable, high achieving people in contrast to his own at that time, Robbins realised that many people of high distinction and great achievement had come from impoverished circumstances and disadvantaged backgrounds. The lack of satisfaction with their lot in life had provided an emotional leverage to inspire them to action and change.

These individuals were driven by compelling forces of willpower, desire and imagination to rise above painful circumstances and handicaps of poverty and lack of education to seize control of their own destinies and transform their lives.

From this single realisation, Robbins was able to turn his own life completely around and go on to blaze a trail of outstanding accomplishment. And he did it in a relatively short space of time. Robbins recounts how once, flying his own jet helicopter over a city where he used to live, he had cause to reflect on just how far he had come. He noticed a building which appeared familiar and paused to hover over it. Looking down, he realised it was the building in which he had worked as a janitor years earlier.

How did he do it? Simply by learning to harness the principle he calls ‘concentration of power’. He made a decision in that moment that he would change every aspect of his life.

He focused his willpower on his goals and he backed his decision with absolute commitment to action. This controlled focus was to act like a laser beam, cutting through obstacles and helping him shape a masterful destiny for himself.


‘Concerning all acts of initiative and creation there is one elementary truth – that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too’ – Goethe

In order to create change, people must first clearly define their objectives. Setting goals is the primary step toward turning the invisible into the visible and the foundation for success.

Clearly-defined goals mean that you become focused in a certain direction and from there on your thoughts and actions will be directed, consciously and unconsciously, towards that outcome.

Goals might be defined as dreams with a deadline. It’s important to set a time frame on the achievement of goals, give yourself a deadline. Scrutinise your actions constantly to analyse their relevance to your goals.

Put pen to paper and dare to dream.

Ask yourself: ‘What do I need to be doing today, right now, that will contribute towards my desired outcome in six months?

Ask: ‘What would I want my life to be if I could have it any way I wanted? What would I go for if knew I could not fail?’

Let’s Make a Few Changes - Today!

• Write down – right now – four things you really need to do but have put off .

Are you a bit over-weight? Is that smoker’s cough getting worse? Have you let a silly falling out come between you and a valued friend?

• Then write the answers to these questions beside each: Why haven’t I acted yet? What pain have I associated with such action in the past?

An honest answer will bring home the fact that the thing holding you back has been that you link more pain or inconvenience with the action than with inaction.

• Next, set down all the pleasure you’ve gained by adopting this negative course.

The immediate pleasures of indulging in a cigarette or chocolate or one too many beers are obvious. The same goes for avoiding a difficult task or painful conversation. Writing them down focuses your
attention on your target. Change comes with new goals – think of ways to get these, or better,
pleasures without the unwanted consequences.

• Now, write the cost of not changing.

Money, ill-health, death… perhaps it is a precious relationship that will be lost or damaged forever if you don’t act. Add up the cost over the next year, the next 10, the next 50. Consider the effects on your self-respect and your feelings about your life during all those years to come.

• Finally, write down all the possible pleasures which could result from acting on these issues, now!

Make the list long and lavish. Allow it to get you worked up. Let it charge your emotions with anticipation of all those benefits. Remember the benefits for others are at stake here, too.

High-Jump The Barriers Of Self Limitation

Don’t be afraid to dream outside the limitations of your current achievement. The seeds of desire to achieve a specific goal are signs of your inherent potential and capacity to do it. Then ‘carpe diem’ (seize the day)! Truly committed decisions are the catalyst for turning dreams into reality.

Mahatma Ghandi’s decision to rid India of British rule, along with his dauntless will, set up a chain of events that eventually altered the balance of power among nations.

Many doubted his capacity to achieve his aim through non-violent opposition, but he succeeded by the sheer strength of his commitment – and that of his millions of followers. He deliberately left himself no choice other than to follow dictates of his conscience.

It is in these moments of true, committed decision that you shape your own fate. It is a process of committing yourself to a particular outcome and then deliberately isolating yourself from any other possibility.

People who truly decide to stop smoking have given themselves the gift of a solid gold certainty. They know they will never smoke again. No other possibility can ever be considered.

Anyone Can Play

The best thing about the truly tremendous power of decision is that each and every one of us already has it in our possession. It is the giant asleep within us. We need only wake it to experience the thrill of exercising our unlimited power to implement radical improvements in our lives.

The act of making such an unshakeable decision, even if is a difficult one, comes as a great relief to most people. Suddenly – often for the first time – they have a clear and unchallengeable goal.

Never Fear The Falls

Once you have known this empowered feeling, there will be no stopping you. The best way by far to learn to make better decisions is by practice! More decisions, more often – every one you make and stick to will increase your sense of power over your own life destiny.

And don’t be afraid of mistakes. Success grows directly from good judgement, judgement comes from experience and experience is largely built of poor judgments! Whenever you try something and fail – and it will happen as sure as death and taxes – don’t waste time commiserating or berating yourself. Instead ask: "What good can be salvaged from this? What have I learned?’

Then get on with your next idea. Your ‘failure’ is really a valuable lesson, an asset to carry with you into the future.


When we aspire to our highest dreams or a set of goals that seem beyond our capacity to reach, when we demand of ourselves actions that seem beyond our capabilities and outside the comfort zone of our normal mode of operating, any number of self-limiting psychological variables will inevitably confront us.

These variables are part and parcel of your own personal Master System. It is what has determined your achievements and life experiences up to the present day. Your Master System includes all your core beliefs. It is comprised of all the conscious and unconscious rules by which you live, your values, your emotional responses, the habitual questions you ask, your references.

In order to achieve your goals, you must program your Master System to make it consistent with your desires. You can literally undo and eliminate past conditioning and negative programming by a conscious effort to change any or all of the variables of your master system that limit you.

It is perfectly possible to re-invent yourself systematically by organising your beliefs and values in a way that pulls you in the direction of your life’s design. Having a design is the prerequisite. Add real desire for your goals, and you’re away.

Focus On Where You Want To Go, Rather Than Your Fear

The importance of focusing clearly on your desired outcome rather than fixating on a negative variable that stands as a temporary obstacle to the achievement of your goal, cannot be over estimated.

In motor racing, a driver who skids out of control is always tempted to look at the looming wall, barrier or ditch which might easily claim his life. Yet a seasoned driver knows that the direction of his gaze can eerily determine the course that the car will take. He knows it is imperative that he direct his gaze away from the wall and towards the road with every ounce of his will. He must look only in the direction he wishes to go.

Similarly, what we consistently focus on in life eventually becomes the substance of our reality. People can spend a lifetime focused on the brick walls of their own imagined shortcomings. They fail to achieve their dreams and goals simply because they don’t look at them intently enough.

In a clear and committed focus on your goal, the ‘how’ will usually make itself apparent.


‘If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment’ – Marcus Aurelius

Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers

Winners are people who challenge the belief barriers about what is possible – for themselves or for any human. They realise these barriers are composed of nothing but belief and, by choosing instead to believe in themselves, go beyond them to new heights.

Consider the case of Roger Bannister. Until 1954 it was commonly believed that no one would ever run a mile in under four minutes. Even though times for the event had been gradually improving for years, the four minute mark seemed an insurmountable barrier.

For an inordinately long period the times approached closer and closer to it, but still it stood, seemingly unbreakable.

Until 1954 that is, when Bannister made athletic history. He achieved the ‘impossible’.

How? Aside from obviously being a gifted athlete and training his heart out, Bannister took the novel approach of practising the event mentally as well as physically. He put in a lot of effort visualising himself running the race.

In his mind he saw himself breaking through that barrier with so much emotional intensity that he created vivid references that became unquestionable commands to his nervous system. These served as cues during the race, pushing his body to produce the result.

Even more amazingly, he destroyed forever a forbidding belief barrier. Almost as soon as he had demolished that barrier, others poured through after him. Within one year of his triumph, 37 other runners also broke the four minute mark!

Bannister’s feat had shown them what was ‘possible’. It gave them their own strong references. The Following year another 33 sub-four minute time were recorded.

All of our actions are dictated by an inevitable human desire to move toward pleasure and away from pain. Just what each of us defines as pleasurable or painful is individual and relative, but we are all motivated to actions that increase pleasure and minimise pain.

Procrastination arises from the fear of more pain resulting from a course of action than from the discomfort or inconvenience of putting it off.

Toothache is a classic case in point. Many people will put off a trip to the dentist indefinitely. That is until they reach a maximum emotional threshold. They don’t act until they experience an intensity of pain or discomfort that compels them to create change.

In the end, the prospect of an extraction seems less painful than the chronic, throbbing of an aching tooth. In the pain stakes, the dentist has become the lesser of two evils.

At this magical point however, pain has become our ally. It is a powerful assistant in providing the leverage we need to create positive change.


‘I conceive that pleasures are to be avoided if greater pain be the consequence, and pains to be coveted that will terminate in greater pleasures’ – Michel de Montaigne

People consciously or unconsciously gravitate toward life experiences that provide more fun, more joy, more laughter, more stimulation, excitement, etc.

Advertisers know the power of shaping our lives by linking pleasurable sensations and emotions with ideas about their products. They are expert in using imagery, music and sensory stimulation to heighten our emotions. Having aroused us to an emotional state, they simply flash an image of, or message about, the product. It remains with us, closely bound to those pleasant emotions.

We can harness pain and pleasure to change virtually anything in our lives. We can deliberately amplify emotional pain and attach it to negative, self-defeating behaviours. The only alternative then becomes a move away from the negative experience towards a more pleasant and rewarding outcome.

Associating maximum perceived pleasure with a desired outcome – and rewarding yourself amply along the way – will speed your progress and make your journey infinitely more enjoyable. Always remember that the journey is at least as important as the destination.


The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said that every truth moves through three stages:

‘First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident’

Changing a limited belief system is a powerful strategy for effecting change in your life. Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands and reference points that have become an integral part of our Master System, telling us what’s possible and impossible for us.

Our beliefs may be created by repeated experiences that lead us to feelings of conclusive certainty about reality. Alternately they may be adopted as ‘received truth’ from the belief systems that operate in society. ‘I could never get a well paid job because I didn’t finish school’.

‘Nothing splendid has ever been achieved, but by those who dared believe that

something inside of themselves was superior to circumstance’ – Bruce Barton

Look hard at the belief systems of those who attain excellence and high achievement. They contain vital clues for elevating your own. Successful people operate with positive, empowering beliefs about their own capabilities. They believe they are worthy of winning. This certainty is an essential component of success.


‘Some men see things as they are and say ‘Why?’. I dream of things that never were, and say ‘Why not?" – George Bernard Shaw

One major difference between people is the nature of the questions they consistently ask. A genuine quality of life comes from continuously asking quality questions.

Questioning sets off a process that can have an impact beyond our imagination. Questioning limitations is what tears down walls in business and relationships alike – even those between nations.

If you ask empowering, quality questions, you seek empowering, quality responses from the world around you, from others and from yourself. Try asking yourself the following empowering questions each evening as you review your day:

• What did I learn today?
• What did I achieve today?
• What did I enjoy today?
• What did I contribute today?

‘The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity’ – Albert Einstein


Did you know that the English language contains some 750,000 words? Yet the average person’s working vocabulary consists of 2,000 – 10,000. Put another way, the average person uses from 0.5 to 1.5 per cent of the words at his disposal. With such amazing resources with which to express our feelings and ideas, why should people accept such an impoverished vocabulary?

William Shakespeare used over 24,000 words and, when none would suffice, created his own, many of which remain in usage today.

The power of words to shape our individual realities is tremendous. We need carefully to evaluate our own usage of words and consistently aspire to elevate and improve our vocabulary. We should use words that constantly empower us to think in terms of positivity and excellence.

We Are What We Say

Linguists say that, culturally, we shape and are shaped by our language. Have you ever noticed yourself adopt the habitual vocabulary of someone you associate closely with or admire? Interestingly, English has a predominance of verbs. In contrast, the Chinese language place a great deal of value on qualities of stillness and continuum, and the Chinese language features a predominance of names rather than verbs.

John F Kennedy once pointed out that the Chinese equivalent of our word ‘crisis’ is a composite of two characters – one representing danger and the other, opportunity.

Transformational vocabulary is the conscious use of specially- chosen words and phrases to intensify or diminish any emotional state, positive or negative.

Transforming our habitual vocabulary breaks unresourceful patterns, produces totally different feelings, changes our emotional state and allows us to think in a more qualitative and elevated way.

We cause problems for ourselves when we start habitually using words like furious and humiliated. We must consciously evaluate the impact of words we use on our emotional state or we risk creating more emotional pain than is necessary.

Turning Down The Heat

Try this when next you are overwhelmed with anger. Instead of thinking of and venting your feelings as ‘fury’ or ‘outrage’ make a choice to express them like someone who might say they are ‘feeling a little peeved’.

If you can’t keep a straight face while doing this, congratulations. Your anger might just evaporate into a self-mocking smile. And all because of a choice of words.

A Pause For Our Sponsor

The Power of words can work for or against your purpose. Either way, they are powerful, so take care when handling a loaded word.

Sometimes vocabulary is even more transformational than we bargain for – a fact to which several major advertisers can attest. After translating their slogan ‘Pepsi gives life’ into Chinese, Pepsi executives were stunned to discover that they’d just spent millions of dollars announcing ‘Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave’.

Chevrolet, mystified by sluggish sales of its new Nova compact sedan in Latin America, eventually discovered that in Spanish the words nova mean ‘It doesn’t go.


‘Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him’ – Aldous Huxley

People experience an average of a dozen or so different emotional states in the course of a normal week. Yet there are over 3,000 words in English to describe emotions. Even more interestingly, of these, around 1,000 denote positive emotions while roughly twice as many words relate to negative ones.

Our emotions are actually learned neuro-associative responses to circumstances. As we experience a given situation, we re-live the pleasurable/painful neuro- associations of our previous experiences of similar situations.

Quite often our emotions are related to past times and events, so they are neither appropriate nor productive to the situation in which we currently find ourselves. When this is the case, we need to identify and consciously break the pattern of our programmed responses which might be counter-productive to achieving our preferred outcomes.

Mastering Ourselves

In order to attain mastery of our emotions we must first realise that, overwhelming though our emotions sometimes are, we
are more powerful than they. We create our own emotions so it follows that we have the capacity to discard or dissipate

One can detach from negative emotions or limiting feelings and considerations to persist with a decided course of action.

Proceeding with something (say, an examination or a parachute jump) might well f ill us with fear. But that need not stop us from going ahead.

Repeating such an action will diminish the neuro-associations gradually, a little more each time we go through it.

Eventually they are neutralised or erased completely. We may even come to relish a once-feared prospect. Old emotional associations are replaced by new, positive and empowering emotional experiences. They give way to the excitement of anticipation and the joy of self-mastery.

Our emotions are a gift, a guideline, a support system. They are calls to action. Mastery of our emotions is by no means the same thing as avoidance. Avoidance means falling back on substances or other means such as ‘workaholism’ to prevent ourselves from feeling uncomfortable emotions at all.

Mastery means acknowledging and making friends with these feelings. It requires the recognition that at some time in the past those feelings served you well as an internal compass to help you gauge and respond to a situation.

It’s now up to you to decide whether the negative feelings you associate with something are relevant to the present time and circumstances or whether you need to put in the work to create a new neuro-association. Alternately, you may simply have to change a situation that causes negative responses.

Ten Negatives – Calls To Action

• Discomfort

• Guilt

• Fear

• Disappointment

• Hurt

• Loneliness

• Anger

• Inadequacy

• Overload

• Frustration

Ten Positives – The Power To Create Success

• Love & Warmth

• Curiosity

• Appreciation & Gratitude

• Vitality

• Excitement & Passion

• Flexibility

• Determination

• Confidence

• Contribution

• Cheerfulness


The feelings we experience are strongly linked with how we use our bodies. Emotion is the product of motion. The smallest changes of facial expression and gesture will effect our feelings at a given moment – and consequently our actions and responses.

Every emotion you experience has a specific physiology linked to it – posture, breathing, patterns of movement, facial expressions – habitual muscular patterns literally begin to dictate emotions. Slumping at your desk, for instance, can affect your breathing and induce back aches, making you both more tired and more irritable – both translating as ‘less productive’ – than you ought to be.

A key to success is to create patterns of movement and posture that create confidence, a sense of strength, flexibility, power – and fun.

Remember that fitness and health are by no means the same thing. True health means that all your body’s systems are working at their optimum. Pounding your body around a gym twice a week will not guarantee that. Fitness refers only to capacity to perform certain athletic pursuits.

Some care with diet and regular exercise can only make you healthier. Aim for moderate aerobic exercise. This means ‘with oxygen’ – gentle exercise sustained over a period. It burns fat for fuel and increases your endurance and the general health of your cardio-vascular and muscular systems.

Anaerobic exercise is that focused on pounding heart rates and brief spurts of power. The fuel for this is glycogen and fat is stored by the body while it undergoes this type of activity. Many of the health problems of Western societies arise from our almost completely anaerobic lifestyle, combined with the stress of our work, habits like smoking, and lousy diet.

Addressing these problems in your own life can multiply your energy and potential for achievement – not to mention the time you might have left to enjoy the fruits of it.


‘The great man is he that does not lose his child’s heart’ – Mencius

What is the purpose of life if not to be happy? Success requires hard work but remember to play with equal resolve. Even God had a day off.

Have fun, be spontaneous, be outrageous. Never underestimate the value of play or forget our capacity to laugh at yourself.

Never be afraid to fail. It is through failure we learn to orientate ourselves towards success. Thomas Edison considered that his 2,000 odd ‘failures’ were just so many steps in the process towards his successful invention of the light bulb.

Keep perspective. If a problem seems insurmountable, consider that we live in a galaxy that comprises several hundred thousand million stars, which in turn exists in a universe that contains several hundred thousand million galaxies.

Consider the enormity of this grand cosmic design. Think of its magnitude. Now, how big is your problem?

Can you rise to the challenge of awakening your own giant? It is a giant of talent, creativity and unlimited abilities to contribute amazing things to the world. It is sleeping within you right now.

Are you willing to rise to the challenge of a heroic life? Perfection is not heroism, but humanity is. Within each of us burns the spark of heroism and we can fan into flame if we choose.

The late Michael Landon, movie star and great humanitarian, once said:

‘Somebody should tell us right at the start of our lives that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every single day. Do it I Say! Whatever you want to do – do it now! Carpe diem. Seize the day! And expect miracles, because you are one’.

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Monday, March 4, 2013


Basis of GOALS

Hi, Welcome to Pawan Alluru's "Framework"

Let us now discuss the basis on which you should set your Goals.


Multiply Your Resources

Everybody has four resources. They are:

1) Time 

Time is the most precious commodity. Protect, preserve and prioritize

2) Money 

Find out the ways to increase your money. Utilize the three channels of raising money: active income, passive income and portfolio income.

3) Effort 

You cannot attain anything in this world unless you put some effort. Push, toil and work

4) Knowledge 

Knowledge is a lighthouse. Gain, Grow and Shower


Dimensions of Goals

1) Mind emotional goals 

Let there be goals related to your emotions, self-discipline etc.,

2) Body physical goals

Let there be goals related to your health, finance etc.,

3) Society social goals

Let there be goals related to your society, friends etc.,

4) Spirit spiritual goals

Let there be goals related to God, Spiritual life etc.,


Your Goals should be SMART

1) Specific 

Your Goals should be clear and specific. Ask "what I want to accomplish?" "Why I want to accomplish that?" "What is the motivating factor behind wanting to achieve this goal?" "Who can help me in pursuit of my goal?"

2) Measurable 

Your Goals should be Measurable. Ask "how much you want to achieve?"

3) Achievable 

Your Goals should be Achievable. They should have a 50% chance of achieving it. Ask "Is it Achievable?"

4) Relevant 

Your Goals should be relevant to you. You can't enthusiastically achieve somebody else's goal. Ask "is it relevant to you?"

5) Time-Bounded 

Your goal should have a time for completion. Ask "By when you should achieve this goal?"

Law Of Attraction

Apply the Law of Attraction

1) Decide what you want

Ask "What do you want?" "What is your life like right now?" "What do you do now?"  Be specific and extremely clear about your Goals.

2) Visualize in great detail

Visualize yourself living the life you desire. See as if it is a movie - a movie of yourself, Step into that "YOU" in the movie and soak it in.

3) Remove all the resistance 

Remove all the resistance to what you are focusing on. Write down the obstacles you're facing and get them out of your way one by one. 

4) Inspired Action listen to the inner silent partner

Start listening to yourself and tap into your inner silent partner. Take that inspired action.

5) Let it Go trust, focus.  

Trust the God and trust the work you have done; commit to keeping your focus on what you do want and off on what what you don't want and then Let it go!

Anchor your mind on what you want, visualize it as if it is your life. Remove all the resistance, take inspired action and let go of how and when it will come to you.


Author: Pawan Alluru

Source: Framework

Category: GOALS

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Four Actions that Bring you Success

Who doesn't want more success? Whatever you've already accomplished, there's always another interesting mountain to climb. If you're looking for more achievement, you can improve your life dramatically with a few simple changes.

Although these suggestions are straightforward, most of them will require constant attention for a little while until they become habitual. Once they become automatic, though, you'll be thrilled with your progress.
Try these ideas to enjoy greater success:

1.  Hang out with successful individuals. You'll frequently find that you achieve about as much as the people with whom you spend the most time. If you want to be successful, affiliate as often as you can with people who are more successful than you. There are a couple of reasons for this:
  • You'll be exposed to a completely different way of thinking and interacting with the world. Very successful people look at many things differently than those who are less successful. Integrating some of these ideas into your own thinking will likely bring you more successes of your own.
  • You'll also encounter new opportunities. High-achieving people frequently have all kinds of ventures going on; you never know when they might need a helping hand. You'll also get to connect with their peer group, who are likely to be very successful as well.

2.  Adjust your attitude. Successful people usually have a positive attitude. That's what allows them to move forward aggressively. This is not the same as acting foolishly, however.
  • Minor challenges don't bog them down because they believe that things will work out in the end. They also keep the bigger picture in mind, so minor challenges are just that – minor.
  • If you want to be wealthy, do you have positive attitudes about wealth and wealthy people? If you want to be healthy, do you have a positive outlook about that? Your attitudes must be congruent with your objectives.
  • Everything starts internally; seeing outside changes in your life takes time.

3.  Be organized and focused. Before you go to bed each night, make a list with all the things you want to accomplish the next day. Doing this at night gives your brain a chance to work on things in your sleep. Also, you'll feel much better when you can start the day with a clear objective instead of spending time trying to figure out what to do.

4.  Have goals. Your brain is tremendously good at finding solutions. You can help it out by doing a good job of outlining and prioritizing your objectives. The simplest way to do this is to write down your goal and include a deadline. Now your brain knows what to work on and when to have it accomplished.
  • Read over your goals at least twice a day to provide mental emphasis that they're important. We all know how easy it is to get sidetracked by 50 other things and forget all about our goals and plans.
These four simple ideas can bring you great power, if you'll use them to your advantage.
Being successful is really no more challenging than being unsuccessful. Both require specific actions and attitudes applied consistently over a period of time. Make some changes today and give yourself the gift of success.



Source: Symbiosis Communications Inc

Category: Success

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Three Little Words That Can Change Your Life by Linda Gabriel

Whenever you hear yourself think or say "always" or "never" followed by a negative belief, place three little words in front of the statement.

These powerful words are "Up until now…."

Example: "I always have bad luck in relationships." or "I never can keep a job I like."
Notice how final those negative sentences seem.
And they probably feel pretty "realistic" to the person saying them.
Now add the magic words and notice how the energy of the statement changes:

"Up until now I've had bad luck in relationships."

"Up until now I've never kept a job I liked."

Give it a try it with some of your own negative thoughts.

Start by choosing something that you have been complaining about – something you are sure you are "right' about – and change your tune. It's that simple. Stop complaining. Begin thinking and speaking about the situation or person in a positive light.  Even better, take some positive action. Start with something small. Here are some examples:

Change, "I hate to exercise," to, "Let's go for a walk. It'll be fun!"

Change, "I'm not the creative type," to, "It's fun to play around with paint."

Change, "We'll never find a place to park," to, "I'm really lucky getting great parking spaces."

Change, "This is going to be really hard," to, "This is going to be a lot easier than I expected."

You can choose to recreate your life by redirecting your thoughts and words. Begin by weeding from your vocabulary such habitual phrases  as: 
"I'm sick and tired…."
"To die for…"
"It's killing me…."
"It's too hard…"
"This will never work…"

You get the idea. Don't be afraid of your own thoughts, but do keep your mental garden weeded and seeded with thoughts of that which you would love to have growing and blooming in your life.

Three Little Words That Can Change Your Life

"Up until now…"

Those three little words open the door to new possibilities; they create potential for positive change. They are a key to moving into the NOW and letting go of past patterns.

They are magic. Try them.


Author: Linda Gabriel


Category: Powerful Words , Affirmations 

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Sunday, March 3, 2013


Clearing your mind - Easy meditation tips

Clearing the Mind - Easy Meditation Tips

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind of the worries and stresses of the day. If you're not familiar with this method of relaxation, you may think it's difficult, however with practice, you'll find that it's not hard at all.

Starting a Meditative Practice

Want to know what the hardest part of meditation is? Here's a hint: It has nothing to do with meditation at all!

The hardest part is simply making the time to meditate. Once you believe in its power and see its results, you won't let anything get in the way of you and your peaceful practice. It might be tough in the beginning, but stay with it! It'll be well worth the effort.

Make a goal for yourself and evaluate your progress as you go. Commit to at least weekly meditations for four weeks. After this time, evaluate whether the meditation has made a positive difference your life.

These meditation tips will help you in your quest for obtaining inner peace:

Choose a time to meditate. Find a good time for you to meditate. You can start with shorter sessions in the beginning, but generally you should shoot for between 30 minutes to an hour during each session. Right when you get up or before you go to bed are good times to practice. Make meditation a priority for yourself just like you would for everything else that's important in your life.

Keep an elevated posture. If you slouch, you won't be in a good position for meditation and you're more likely to feel like falling asleep. Elevate your posture and you'll feel more open to the world. Relax in a crossed legged or other comfortable sitting position and rest your hands in your lap.

Focus on your breath. Your main goal is to keep your attention on your breath as you breathe in and breathe out. It may help to say a mantra and visualize breathing in good energy and letting out the bad energy with each cycle. Breathe at a pace that's comfortable for you. Work toward deep, long breaths.

Acknowledge your thoughts. You want to remain fully present while you're meditating, and there's no doubt that thoughts are going to enter your mind while you're trying to concentrate. Don't be frustrated by these thoughts, but at the same time don't let thoughts take your attention completely away. Acknowledge your thoughts and then bring your focus back to your breath.

Fight the urge to sleep. Many people complain of the urge to sleep during meditation sessions, mainly because it's relaxing and you're meditating during early morning or late evening hours. Try to remain awake with focus and good posture.

Maintain your practice. After you discover the many benefits of meditating, it will most likely become a part of you forever. You may not have time to do this every day, but it's important to keep up with regular meditation sessions.

Meditation will help you keep a peaceful perspective on life and can tell you a lot of things about your true self. You can use it to relax, motivate, or energize you, depending on your purpose for each session. As you get more experienced with meditation, a more joyful and peaceful life will be yours!



Source: Symbiosis Communications Inc.,

Category: Meditation

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