Thursday, February 28, 2013


Einstein's Formula for Success

Albert Einstein developed a math formula for success for his own use.

Einstein said, "A=X+Y+Z where A= Success, X is work. Y is play.and

Z is keep your mouth shut."


Author: Albert Einstein


Category: Success

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Life is A GIFT


I amA statement of who you are. I am perfectly healthy in mind, body and spirit.
I canA statement of your potential. I can love my partner unconditionally.
I willA statement of positive change in your life. I will gain more confidence each day.


1) What do I really want to do with my life? What would I immediately do in my life, with limited resources and without any limitations?

2) What are the three things I want to accomplish in my lifetime? In the next 5 years? What are the three things I want to do this year, this month and today? 

***chart out 10 goals in positive , present and in personal tense. Rewrite them every morning and every evening without looking the previous page.


Record all your thoughts in a thought book as they pass through your mind.


1) What are the 3 things, fears or worries that are troubling me?

2) How many of my worries and things that I feared came into my reality in the past?


1) What am I trying to accomplish today? What is the one small step I can take today to get the ball rolling and move forward with this situation?

2) What are the three tasks I have for today? Next day? How many of them take me forward, backward or sideways?

*** List out all the tasks you have for the next day on the previous night while sleeping. Next morning as you wake up prioritize your tasks and take action.

Practice solitude on a regular basis for 30 - 60 mins to find out the answers for all the problems your have.


Author: Pawan Alluru

Source: Framework

Category: A GIFT

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Student's Success Plan


1) Finger Technique
2) Overviewing Text
3) Increasing Peripheral Vision
4) Steps n Jumps
5) Reading with Gist
6) Read, Revise & Rest.


1) Revise, Re-revise n Revise
2) 10 mins after n before learning
3) Quick revision every morning
4) Quick revision every evening
5) Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc.,
6) On Sundays n Holidays


1) Eyes- Blinking n Palming
2) Alpha Breathing Exercises
3) Aerobic Exercises
4) Good Sleep
5) Rest Routine
6) Have some juice or snacks


1) True Meanings
2) Key-words n key-concepts
3) Transition Words
4) Mind Maps
5) Linear Notes n Pictures


1) Photographic Memory
2) Mind Programming
3) Number Techniques
4) Mnemonics
5) Imagination
6) Eye-Accessing Cues


1) Sleep well the previous night
2) Don't eat before exam
3) Reach exam 30 mins early
4) Answer all questions
5) Present well
6) Answer fast and in full length
7) Check 6 Q Tags (Who, What, Why, Where, When & How)


Author: Pawan Alluru


Category: Success

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2(A-DOT) Philosophy


1) What Now? 
2) What Next?
3) Trigger 'STOP'
4) Floating?


1) Ever Cheerful

2) Express Gratitude

3) Interest in Others

4) Always on the Go!


1) Silence

2) Pray

3) Exercise

4) Meditate


1) Compromise

2) Hope

3) Expect

4) Plan

Obstacles (Internal)

1) Laziness

2) Indecision

3) Procrastination

4) Pessimism

Obstacles (External)

1) Television

2) Internet

3) People

4) Phone


1) Purposeful

2) Prioritize

3) Retrospect

4) Diary Writing


1) Positive

2) Patience

3) Perseverance

4) Persistence


Author: Pawan Alluru


Category: Success

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Armory for Regular and Instant usage

Regular Usage

1) Self-Discipline Wandering Mind, Actions, Senses and Habits

2) Self-Confidence Think Of Opposite, Fear, Doubt and Worry 

3) Self-Motivation Role Model, Reward, Goal, and Direction

4) Will Power Control of Desires, Carry out resolved Line Of Action dexterously, Train Subconscious Mind and Uninterested Tasks

5) Smile Problems,  People, Situations

Instant Usage

1) Fix Anchors Unique Anchor for each state, peak of the state, specific movement, saying to yourself, seeing a picture

2) Adjust Physiology  Think of an experience, adjust physical expressions, postures, response to others, how you sit or stant etc., treat your body with mind and vice-versa.

3) Swish Technique Bad Picture, good picture, drag

4) Activity Shift Back

5) Declutter


Author: Pawan Alluru

Source: Framework

Category: Armory 

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Basis of setting Goals

Multiply Your Resources 

1) Time protect, preserve and prioritize
2) Money active income, passive income and portfolio income
3) Effort push, toil and work
4) Knowledge Gain, Grow and Shower


1) Mind emotional goals 
2) Body physical goals
3) Society social goals
4) Spirit spiritual goals


1) Specific what? why? motivating factor? who can help?
2) Measurable how much?
3) Achievable 50% chance; Is it Achievable?
4) Relevant is it relevant to you?
5) Time-Bounded by when?

Law Of Attraction

1) Decide what you want? what is your life like? what you do?
2) Visualize as in a movie, step in, soak in
3) Remove all the resistance
4) Inspired Action listen to the inner silent partner
5) Let it Go trust, focus.  

Anchor your mind on what you want, visualize it as if it is your life. Remove all the resistance, take inspired action and let go of how and when it will come to you.


Author: Pawan Alluru

Source: Framework

Category: GOALS

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When practising self affirmation, don't do it like most of the people out there

Instead, avoid getting caught out by the usual pitfalls & you'll see results.

Many people swear that self affirmation is the real deal, saying that the simple act alone has changed their lives by many folds. However, many others experienced lack of results from it. Indeed nothing much has changed for them.

So is it that is creating this difference between the 2 groups?

First of all, let us understand what self affirmation is

Self affirmations is the term used to describe the practice of repeatedly affirming (by voicing out like reciting or chanting) what you desire to have. It's generic and you can practice affirmations for almost anything.

Practicing positive affirmations has been said to bring positive changes to life, create a new reality, healthy, relaxing and attracts to you your desires. It is a great tool which can help you boost your capabilities and results.

An example of a positive affirmation is "Everyday in everyway I am getting healthier and healthier".

Or you can just use "I am getting more and more healthier".

Affirmations take can the form of 'I am', 'I can' and 'I will' statements. Such as "I am confident" or "I can be confident" etc. 'I am' are affirmations of who you are, 'I can' statements are about your capability or potential, and 'I will' is for what you want to achieve or change.

Why self affirmations works

Though it seems like just talk and no action, self affirmation works primarily because of the power of intention. Chanting affirmations signals your intent, and you are declaring it to the universe and to your brain.

Our brains cannot differentiate between reality and illusion. If you vividly imagine something as real as possible, the brain will accept it as reality. This is how self affirmations work. The more you chant an affirmation with belief, power, emotion, desire, and the more repetitions, the more 'real' it becomes to the brain.

How To Write Affirmations Effectively

Follow the below tips and guidelines when you are coming up with your own affirmations. Doing this can help you to create more effective affirmations.

1. Refer to the present

Your affirmation should be referring to the present. Why? If you use past tense that would mean you are inferring (to your subconscious and your unconscious) that this is something that you previously wanted in the past but not necessarily right now.

Likewise when you use future tense it means what you are asking for will only happen 'sometime' in the future. And while it is normal and realistic to expect that whatever it is you are affirming will only happen in the future, it is important to specifically state when. If this future period is vague then the mind would not know when it is and when it should happen.

So, as far as you can, try to use the word 'Now' in your affirmations. If it is more apt to state a future period, then make sure you specifically state when it will happen. Give it a specific date, for example - By May 2012 I would have achieved ________

2. Avoid negative words

Make use of positive words / statements and avoid negatives in your affirmations. The reason for this is because double negatives are not recognized by the subconscious mind. If you say something like "I will no longer overeat", what will be picked up by the subconscious is "I will overeat". Rather than using a double negative, use a positive statement instead. For example,"I will eat healthy foods in healthy portions".

Using positive statements would help you get the intended message across.

3. Have a few alternatives - mix it up!

Instead of just using one affirmation and repeating it over and over again, have a few variations of it. This helps keep things fresh and interesting when you are doing the practice of your affirmations. In addition this also prevents things from getting 'boring' and helps you avoid getting into a state where you end up just going through the motions and doing your affirmations without any passion or intent.

4. Keep it short and impactful

Don't come up with a long winded, detailed affirmation with too much information crammed into it. Instead, you want to keep your affirmations short and straight to the point. A short sentence of around 5 - 12 words would be perfect.

Also you don't need to use big complex words. Rather write your affirmation in a style that is in the usual way that you communicate internally and externally. If this is the way you usually speak to yourself, then it is the best way for you to get the message across.

5. Be specific

This is the reason you are writing your own affirmation in the first place. You want it to be as specific to your objective as possible. The less vague the affirmation, the better it is. Success can only be present when there is precision and clarity.

Knowing how to use affirmations effectively can prevent it from being a total waste of time

How to use affirmations? Like many other things, there are certain ground rules which should be followed to ensure that your self affirmations are actually effective. Increase your chances of having effective affirmations by knowing how to use affirmations. Review the guidelines below.

The Rules...

1. How to craft good affirmations

When practicing affirmations, make sure it is stated in the present. Don't use time based words that refer to the future. Phrases such as 'in the future' , 'by next year' , 'tomorrow' etc. The reason is because our brains do not follow the concept of time. If you affirm 'I will make 1 million dollars next year' , to your mind it will always be the next year. The use of specific dates can help solve this problem.

Personally for me, I try to refrain from using 'I will' statements as well. As it may also imply that it is something that you will only achieve in the (vague) future. Again solve this problem by adding specific dates into your affirmation.

I prefer statements which refer more to the present. It gives the feeling that it is happening now. Moreover, our brains only really understand the present. Use statements like these ;

I am becoming more and more……. everyday

I am feeling more and more……everyday

I am improving in……….. each and everyday

(Everyday) I am moving closer and closer to my goal of….. 

Notice that all those statements imply that you have not attained your goal yet, but you are getting closer and closer to it. This is how to use affirmations effectively.

One thing to avoid at all costs is to affirm things that are blatantly untrue. For example 'I am a millionaire'. If you are not, then who are you kidding? Your subconscious mind will pick that up and know that you're full of bull. That makes the subconscious mind less receptive to future affirmations.

2. Do it with emotion and passion

Showing emotion & passion is a signal that you believe in what you're doing and that you genuinely want it. If I told you to run a campaign on saving cockroaches from extinction, will you be very emotional and passionate about it?

When doing affirmations, put more of yourself into it. Don't just say it blandly. Show that you care, that you want it, that it is important and that you believe in it. Your subconscious mind and the universe will pick that up and act on it. If you say it like you don't believe it's possible then it won't happen. Say it like you don't really care… it won't happen.

In the end, it's not just what you are affirming, but how are you affirming it. You must be congruent. Every fibre within you must be pulling in the same direction, and this includes your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Every drop of doubt must be eliminated.

How to use affirmations with emotion?

Voice – verbalize in a strong, confident tone. Project your voice, don't be monotonous & inject life into your intonation.

Body – Strong, upright posture. Take in deep breaths. Move around to add more energy (such as walking). Use lively gestures (fist pumping etc)

Mind – Focus on what you are affirming. Don't start dreaming about other things. A good way to do this is by visualizing the affirmation. For example if you are affirming for self confidence, while doing the affirmations, you can visualize yourself confidently talking, interacting & doing things. Bear in mind, usually it is not easy to do affirmations and visualize at the same time. So just keep it simple by constructing a few images and keep repeating it in your mind.

3. Stick to it

Be consistent. Focus is power. Just stay on track and you'll eventually get to your destination.

Other tips on how to use affirmations : 

• Don't do too much at once – Stick to a few affirmations at most and work on those consistently. Concentrate and focus.

• Practice it first thing in the morning, and last thing before going to sleep at night. 

• Meditation – If you practice meditations, you can use affirmations during your meditation. The relaxed and focused meditative state will be of benefit. 

• Reminder cards - Write out your affirmations on little cards put it in places where you can see them. Around your house, car, office etc. This is to act as a reminder. Another way is to put it in your wallet and carry it around. 

• Set goals that are in line with the affirmation. Set short term goals, this way you will be motivated when you see the result. Start small and develop confidence from it. 

• Another way is to read out the affirmation and record your voice. Listen to the recording while doing daily activities like exercising etc. Listening in bed as you sleep is also a good idea. 

• Ask others to say to you. Eg. John, you are an excellent money manager. Get someone supportive to help you out. Avoid negative and unhappy people. 

• Say out your name in the affirmation. "I, John Smith….." Some people find that this works better for them. 

• Start your day practicing affirmations. Give the first 15 mins of your day to practicing affirmations before starting your day. 

• Say your affirmations each time you meet with proof or indication that what you are affirming is true. For example, each time you find yourself exercising, eating healthy food, or whenever someone compliments you, affirm that you take good care of your health. Do it at the moment of proof, so to say.




Category: Affirmations

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How to set NLP anchors?

You set an NLP anchor by associating a unique trigger to a certain state. When in that state, trigger a unique anchor to associate the anchor and the state together.

After repeating that process numerous times, that state will be conditioned to the anchor. Subsequently when you trigger that anchor later on, it will bring you to that state.

Here’s an example. When you are in happy state, anchor that feeling to a unique trigger, let’s say a light pinch on the palm of your left hand. Repeat that process numerous times. Once it is conditioned, each time you pinch your left palm you will be in a state of happiness.

The steps below are the way to set NLP anchors. Let’s say you want to set an anchor for happiness.

1. Get yourself into a happy state. Think of a past experiences when you were happy. Construct happy thoughts and images. Visualize yourself and your loved ones smiling, laughing etc.

2. At the peak of your state, at the most intense feeling happiness, fire off a unique anchor. Let’s say to pinch your left palm. Fire off the anchor a few more times (means pinching your palm a few more times) as long as you are still in that peak state.

3. Change to a neutral state. Break your state by standing up, moving around, shaking yourself out of it. Then repeat the process again. After numerous repetitions, the state will be anchored into you. 

A fairly simple process although getting into the desired state in the first place may prove to be a problem for some people. The best way to get into the desired state would be to remember and re-live the memory of past experiences when you were in that state. When there isn t any relevant past experiences, constructing images or sounds of situations with that experience may help.

The effectiveness of an NLP anchor that you set depends on the following ;

The intensity of the state  the stronger the intensity the better. Likewise if you set the anchor in a low intensity state, the effect will weak.

Timing of the anchor  The timing of triggering the anchor is just as important. To be most effective, only trigger the anchor at the peak moment of the state. At it s most intense moment.

Uniqueness of the anchor  Make sure your anchor is unique. Something that you don t normally do, see or hear everyday. For example actions like scratching, snapping your fingers or clapping hands are pretty common and we do it quite often. Use something really unique which isn t part of your daily routine or gestures.

Number of repetitions  Naturally the more repetitions you make, the more conditioned the anchor becomes. So make sure you do enough repetitions to make it conditioned.

Advanced NLP anchoring

Moving forward from the basic anchoring technique, in the more advanced NLP anchoring technique we involve 2 anchors. There are 2 ways to use this technique ;

2 positive anchors can be paired up together so that the 2 strong states will be integrated together. This is called Integrating Anchors.

1 positive and 1 negative anchor are paired up. This is done to chain the negative anchor to the positive one. By doing so, whenever you start to feel the negative state it will flow to the positive state. This is called chaining anchors.

Integrating Anchors

Here is the process for integrating anchors.

1. Using the same method as above, get yourself into a desired state #1.

2. At the peak of the state, fire off a unique anchor, anchor #1.

3. Break your state by standing up, moving around, shaking yourself out of it.

4. Repeat a few times.

5. Now repeat the first 4 steps with another state and anchor. (state #2 and anchor #2)

6. Integration. Get into state #1 & fire anchor #1. While experiencing that state fire anchor #2. Let the 2 experiences mix and watch and listen to everything that happens as those two experiences combine to make you even stronger and better.

This can be used for example in integrating energy and creativity together so that you can perform even better in your job.

Chaining anchors

Chaining anchors can be used to bring yourself from a negative state that you usually feel to a positive one. For example you usually get upset when stuck in traffic jam. By chaining anchors, you can chain the state of calmness to it so that the next time you are stuck in traffic, you instead of being upset you will be calm.

Here is how to chain anchors using the example above;

1. Get yourself into a calm and relaxed state.

2. At the peak of the state, fire off anchor #1.

3. Break state and repeat steps a few times.

4. Now visualize yourself stuck in traffic. Experience the unhappiness and feeling upset.

5. Fire off anchor #2 at the peak of the state. 6. Break state and repeat a few times.

7. Now chain both anchors together. Start by visualizing yourself in traffic, then fire off anchor #2. Visualize yourself as you start to feel upset because of the traffic (fire off anchor #1) suddenly you feel a calmness and relaxed feeling.

In chaining anchors, make sure that your negative anchor is not too intense. Your positive anchor must be stronger than the negative anchor. Or else the stronger negative anchor will overpower the positive anchor instead and turn it negative.

That s about it for NLP anchoring. Practice makes perfect.The good thing is that if you are doing it right, you will immediately know it because of it s impact. So there s no guessing whether you got it right or not.

Take some time to master it. As long as you follow the steps and take note of the 4 keys to effective anchoring, you ll be fine.

Have fun!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Habit of Starting Post written by Leo Babauta.

The biggest reason people fail at creating and sticking to new habits is that they don't keep doing it.

That seems obvious: if you don't keep doing a habit, it won't really become a habit. So what's the solution to this obvious problem? Find a way to keep doing it.

When you look at it this way, the key to forming a habit is not how much you do of the habit each day (exercise for 30 minutes, write 1,000 words, etc.), but whether you do it at all. So the key is just getting started.

Let me emphasize that: the key to forming a habit is starting each day.

What do I mean by starting? If you want to form the habit of meditation, just get your butt on the cushion each day. If you want to form the habit of running, just lace up your shoes and get out the door. If you want to form the habit of writing, just sit down, close everything else on your computer, and start typing.

Form the habit of starting, and you'll get good at forming habits.

How to Start When You Face Resistance

Form the habit of starting — easier said than done, right? What happens when you wake up and don't feel like doing yoga or your beach body exercise DVD?

Let's first take a look at why you don't feel like starting. It's usually for one or both of these reasons:

  1. You are comfortable with what you're doing (reading online, probably), and the habit is less comfortable (it's too hard). We cling to the comfortable.
  2. It's too difficult to get started — to do the habit, you have to get a bunch of equipment out of your garage, or drive 20 minutes to the gym, or go get a bunch of ingredients, etc.

Those are the main two reasons, and really they're the same thing.

So the solution is to make it easier and more comfortable to do the habit, and easier to get started. Some ways to do that:

  • Focus on the smallest thing — just getting started. You don't have to do even 5 minutes — just start. That's so easy it's hard to say no.
  • Prepare everything you need to get started earlier. So if you need some equipment, get it ready well before you have to start, like the evening before, or in the morning if you have to do it in the afternoon, or at least an hour before. Then when it's time to start, there is no barrier.
  • Make the habit something you can do where you are, instead of having to drive there.
  • If you have to drive or walk somewhere, have someone meet you there. Then you're less likely to stay home (or at work), and more likely to go — and going there is the same thing as getting started. This works because you're making it less comfortable to not start — the idea of leaving a friend waiting for you at the gym or park is not a comfortable one.
  • Tell people you're going to do the habit of starting your habit every day for 30 days. Having this kind of accountability motivates you to get started, and makes it less comfortable not to start.
  • Start with the easiest version of the habit, so that it's easy to start. For example, if you want to form the habit of reading, don't start with Joyce, but with Grisham or Stephen King or whoever you find fun and easy to read. If you want to start yoga, don't start with a really challenging routine, but an easy series of sun salutations.

Make it as easy as possible to start, and hard to not start. Tell yourself that all you have to do is lace up your shoes and get out the door, and you'll have a hard time saying no. Once you've started, you'll feel good and probably want to continue (though that's not a necessity).

The start is a sunrise: a moment of brilliance that signals something joyful has arrived. Learn to love that moment of brilliance, and your habit troubles fade like the night.

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Tremors of Psychitude: One Little Trick to Find Purpose and Motivation By Leo Babauta

Today when I asked people what was bothering them, the two most common responses were related to:

  • Finding meaning and purpose
  • Finding motivation

As it turns out, those two things can be solved with one little step.

Here's the step: help someone else.

This sounds exceedingly simple, but it's the shift in focus that really makes a difference. Let's say I was having trouble finding the motivation to write … to solve that, I might tweet something asking people what problems they're having. Then I move from "how do I solve my problem (of not being motivated)" to "how can I help these people"?

I'm not bogged down by my own distractions or guilt or laziness anymore … I'm focused on doing something good for someone else. Now I'm excited! The words just pour out of me. This is a hypothetical scenario, of course.

Finding Meaning and Purpose

If you feel stuck in your life, or confused, because you don't have a clear direction and have no way of finding that direction … shift your focus from yourself.

Instead of thinking, "What should I be doing?" or "What could I do to give my life purpose?" … try asking:

  • What could I do to help people in need?
  • What pain are other people feeling that I could help with?
  • Who do I care most about, and what problems do they have?
  • Who are my current customers, and what can I do to help them more?
  • What problems are out there that strangers might have, that my particular skillset could solve?

When you start asking these kinds of questions, your focus shifts from your confusion and problems, to the confusion and problems of others. And when you start solving them, you have purpose. It's gratifying to help others. It fills you with a sense of meaning and appreciation.

It sounds too easy, but it works 100% of the time. I will give you your money back if it doesn't.

Getting Pumped with Psychitude

We might move through the day as if in a fog of blueness, slogging through mud, in a slump, feeling no motivation to do anything useful. This is a problem I imagine people of yore didn't deal with as much. I'm not sure what in our modern condition causes this lack of motivation, but when I figure it out, I will write a poem about it for you.

But the cure is simple and pure and lovely: help others.

Can't get off your butt to do something useful to your career and life in general? OK. So forget about your life, your career, your little set of problems. That's a self-focus that doesn't do anything for you.

Instead, move your focus to others. What pain are other people feeling? Can you help in some small way? Can you ease their suffering just a little? Can you put a smile on someone's face? Can you change someone's life?

When you change someone's life for the better, even just a little, you feel amazing.

This shift in focus … it rocks your world. It sends tremors of psychitude throughout your body and mindbrain. It's quite nice.

A Few Other Steps

OK, I know I said just one step is needed, but a few other little things to consider:

  • Simplify your day. Do less. Pick just one thing to focus on.
  • Clear distractions. Shut off the Internet. Turn off notifications.
  • Move in one small step. Don't tackle the whole damn project. Just get started.
  • Get more sleep. Lack of sleep, too little water, too much stress, and too much caffeine are causing your headaches.

Good. Do those few steps, and shift your focus to others, and your mind and entire being will be rocked with psychitude like never before.

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How to Mind Map

  • Use just key words, or wherever possible images.
  • Start from the center of the page and work out.
  • Make the center a clear and strong visual image that depicts the general theme of the map.
  • Create sub-centers for sub-themes.
  • Put key words on lines. This reinforces structure of notes.
  • Print rather than write in script. It makes them more readable and memorable. Lower case is more visually distinctive (and better remembered) than upper case.
  • Use color to depict themes, associations and to make things stand out.
  • Anything that stands out on the page will stand out in your mind.
  • Think three-dimensionally.
  • Use arrows, icons or other visual aids to show links between different elements.
  • Don't get stuck in one area. If you dry up in one area go to another branch.
  • Put ideas down as they occur, wherever they fit. Don't judge or hold back.
  • Break boundaries. If you run out of space, don't start a new sheet; paste more paper onto the map. (Break the 8x11 mentality.)
  • Be creative. Creativity aids memory.
  • Get involved. Have fun.
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Friday, February 22, 2013


How to use the internet to make money - Economic Times

As long as you have the inclination, a little bit of expertise and some free time, you can earn some money on the Internet from the comfort of your own home. ET highlights some popular ways to make that quick extra buck:

Self publish books

If you love writing and want to get a book published, Amazon offers a free service called Kindle Direct Publishing. The service allows anyone to self publish books on the Kindle (electronic) bookstore and earn royalties from sales. There are two plans you can choose from — the 35% royalty works across any book sold in any country) while the 70% royalty plans works if you sell in a few select countries. Indian authors can choose to set prices specifically for the Indian bookstore and receive royalty payments in Indian currency as well.

Make & sell your apps

With so many smartphones and tablets, app development can be a very lucrative business. You can learn about developing apps online — there are various tutorials available for free. That's the easy part — the hard part is coming up with an idea that 'clicks'. Once you make an app, submit it to the respective app store, set a price and choose whether you want to earn from inapp advertising. Your earnings, after deducting the appropriate fees, will be paid monthly.

Sell your photos Online

Numerous stock websites like www.shutterstock. com, and www. host photographs submitted by members. Depending on the site's policy, you can earn between a 15 to 85% royalty on each sale. The better the quality of photos and the larger your online portfolio, the more you will sell. Usually, each photograph you want to upload will have to be 'selected' by them first — and they usually have strict requirements of what can or cannot go on sale.

Sell old stuff online

An easy way to earn some money on the Internet is by selling old stuff that you have around the house. Websites like, & provide a free classifieds platform. You need to create an account, enter the product details, location, the expected price along with some photographs — listing usually go live within a couple of hours. Interested buyers can directly contact you and finalise the sale.

Start an online shop

With some creativity, you can learn to make handicrafts or if you know a wholesale dealer, purchase unique things at low prices. Once you have some stock ready, you can set up an online shop to sell these goods on sites like or

Both sites have a simple signup process. After you get verified as a seller, they provide you with a step-by-step wizard to set your online store (how to add photos & details of items you want to sell).

Work online for money

The internet is full of bogus companies that promise to pay you for work but never will. For instance, all places that offer money to fill surveys or those that require payment up front are scammers. Two popular & reliable places to find work are www. and

Both have a similar system: set up a profile and take tests to prove your proficiency in certain areas. Once done, you'll be listed as a contractor/freelancer and people can hire you for an hourly rate. You can get paid more by working hard, getting better at what you do and getting good feedback (ratings) from your clients.


If you are fluent in any subject and have some tutoring experience, you can sign up on websites like or as an online tutor. The sites require you to create a tutor profile with details such as the subjects in which you are fluent, what classes/courses you want to teach, your experience level, preferred timings for tutions and the remuneration expected.

After verification, the site lists your profile on their portal where interested students can connect with you for tuitions. You can opt for virtual workspaces with built in teaching aids like live chat and collaborative whiteboards. Once you get better at tutoring, you can increase your monthly earnings by teaching multiple students simultaneously.

Earn from Advertising

A reliable way to earn money is from Google AdSense on your blog/website or ads on your YouTube channel. To get started, create a Google AdSense account at www. You can use the same account with your blog, website or YouTube channel. To maximise earnings from your blog or website, your objective needs to be to get the maximum number of visitors possible.

Write about what you know and what you're passionate about. On YouTube, make sure that your videos are original and interesting. Promote your channel to get more views. Apart from views, your objective should also be to get more people to like/favourite your video and to subscribe to your channel. The build up will be slow and Google only makes payments once your balance crosses $100, so don't get disheartened. Persistent efforts pay off in the long run.

Rough estimates of how much a newcomer can expect to earn in a month

Self publish books upto Rs 15,000

Make and sell apps upto Rs 50,000

Sell photos online upto Rs 10,000

Sell old stuff online upto Rs 50,000

Start an online shop upto Rs 25,000

E-tutoring upto Rs 10,000

Earn from advertising upto Rs 5,000

Work online for money upto Rs 30,000

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Finding Your Purpose

Here are the 10 questions to discover your purpose...
Don't think about your answers, just write what comes to mind first...
  1. Write down your top 3 favorite things to do when you were a kid. ....... 
  2. Write down your top 3 LEAST favorite things to do when you were a kid.
  3. Write down your top 3 favorite things to do now.
  4. Write down your top 3 LEAST favorite things to do now.
  5. When you feel 'In the zone' at work, home or anywhere, what are you doing?
  6. How do you make your money? What is your job?
  7. How many hours a week do you spend at your job?
  8. Is there anything about your job that you like and feel you are really good at?
  9. What are the things about your job that you hate?
  10. When do you feel most comfortable in your own skin? What are you doing?

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Let It Be You by Jim Rohn

Let It Be You 

by Jim Rohn

Each and every day, there are people all around the country and world who are living their dreams. Millionaires are made every day. Families are experiencing tremendous relationships. People are becoming more and more healthy. Life-long learners are growing intellectually and improving their chances for success.

The fact is that living the life of your dreams is possible. People prove that every day. Someone somewhere is going to get rich, get healthy and improve their life. My recommendation is this: Let it be you!

Have you ever wanted to make more money? Have you ever looked at someone who has money and wished that it could be you? People think about getting wealthy all of the time, when only a small percentage actually does. But any of the masses could.

Someone is going to start a business. Someone is going to make a great investment. Someone is going to begin the journey to great wealth. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to decide to improve their relationships. Someone is going to enjoy love with their family. Someone is going to schedule some meaningful time with their friends. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to go back to school to improve their life. Someone is going to become a life-long learner. Someone is going to set a goal to read a book or listen to a cd each week for the next year. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to look in the mirror and see that they need to lose a little weight and they will make the decision to become healthy. Someone will run their first marathon. Someone will join an aerobics class and improve their health. Why not let it be you?

I think that by now you get the point: Everyday people are improving their lives. Whether you do or not doesn’t matter to those who do. They are going to do it, regardless. It is simply a matter of a decision being made. Let that person be you!

You may be asking, “Okay Jim, but how?” Well, let’s cover the very simple actions.

The first and most important is to make a commitment to work on yourself. Are you going to improve or stay the same? No matter what you have achieved, you are at a certain point right now. What you have achieved in the past is fine, but it doesn’t make a difference for the future. The decision about what you will become is made each day and every day. Each day someone is making the decision to better him or herself. Let that person be you!

The second is to make a plan. Once you have decided to become better you will have to have a plan. It doesn’t have to be a long, intricate plan. It can be simple. Save a dollar a day. Walk a mile a day. Read an article a day. That is a simple plan with achievable goals. Someone is going to develop a plan that will take them into the future of their dreams. Let it be you!

The third is to begin to act. All of the great ideas, without action, become stale and useless. The key to turning dreams into reality is action. People who have great ideas are a dime a dozen. People who act on their dreams and ideas are the select few, but they are the ones who gain the wealth, wealth and wisdom that is available. Someone will act today. Let it be you.

My encouragement to you is to stop looking at others who live the good life, wishing that you were as well, and instead begin to commit to your improvement, develop a plan and act on it. Someone is going to. Let it be you!

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Friday, February 15, 2013


The Seven Step Process for Setting and Achieving Your Goals - Brian Tracy

The Seven Step Process for Setting and Achieving Your Goals

  • First, decide exactly what you want in each area of your life. Be specific!
  • Second, write it down, clearly and in detail.
  • Third, set a specific deadline. If it is a large goal, break it down into sub-deadlines and write them down in order.
  • Fourth, make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list.
  • Fifth, organize the items on your list into a plan by placing them in the proper sequence and priority.
  • Sixth, take action immediately on the most important thing you can do on your plan. This is very important!
  • Seventh, do something every day that moves you toward the attainment of one or more of your important goals. Maintain the momentum!
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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Ek Chidiya ... lyrics

ting ting ting tindig tiding…
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
tuu tuu toooo
tuu tuu toooo
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
tuu tuu toooo
tuu tuu toooo

Didi ye anek kya hota hai ?
Anek…. anek yani bahut saare….
suraj ek…
chanda ek…..
taare anek….

achcha to taroN ko anek bhi kehte hain Huh??
nahi nahi !!

dekho phir se batati hooN
suraj ek…
chanda ek…..
taare anek….

ek gilhari, ….
ek aur gilhari……
ek ek ek karke ho gayee ab anek gilhariyaaN…
ek titali, anek titaliyaaN….

ek chidiya.. ek ek anek chidiyaaN……
anek chidiyoN ki kahani sunoge ….
haan sunao…

ek chidiya anek chidiya….
dana chugne baith gayee thi …..
(chorus Smiley didi humen bhi sunao…….

phir se suno…
ek chidiya, anek chidiyaN
dana chugne baith gayee thi …..

WahiN ek byaadh ne jaal bichhaya tha…
byaadh, byaadh kya hota hai didi ?
byaadh … chidiya pakadne wala

to phir kya hua, usne chidiyoN ko pakad liya,…
unhe maar diya ……

Himmat se jo jute rahe to bada kaam bhi hove bhaiya..
bada kaam bhi hove bhaiya …
1..2..3.. furrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Chaturrr cidiyaaN sayaani chidiyaaN,
miljul kar, jaal le kar…
Bhaagi chidiyaaN….

door ek gaaon mein chidiyon ke dost chuhe rahte the….
unhone unka jaal kaat diya………

dekha ekta mein kitni shakti hai……
didi agar hum ek ho jaayen to kya koi bhi kaam kar sakte hain ?
haan haan kyon nahi …
to kya is ped ke aam bhi tod sakte hain Huh
haan magar jugat lagani hogi …

        * * *

achchha ye jugat …. wah bada mazaa aayega….
hind desh ke niwasi sabhi jana ek hain,
rang-roop vesh-bhaasha chahe anek hain

—- repeat —-
bela gulab juhi champa chameli…..
phool hain anek kintu mala phir ek hai …
ek-anek-ek anek

suraj ek, chanda ek, taare anek,
ek gilhari , anek gilhariyaaN,
ek titli, anek titaliyaaN,
ek chidiyaa , anek chidiyaaN……

are bela gulab juhi champa chameli..
phool hain anek kintu mala phir ek hain…..

ting ting ting tindig tiding…
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
tuu tuu toooo
tuu tuu toooo
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
ting ting ting tindig tiding…
tuu tuu toooo
tuu tuu toooo

Didi ye anek kya hota hai ?
Anek…. anek yani bahut saare….
suraj ek…
chanda ek…..
taare anek….

achcha to taroN ko anek bhi kehte hain Huh??
nahi nahi !!

dekho phir se batati hooN
suraj ek…
chanda ek…..
taare anek….

ek gilhari, ….
ek aur gilhari……
ek ek ek karke ho gayee ab anek gilhariyaaN…
ek titali, anek titaliyaaN….

ek chidiya.. ek ek anek chidiyaaN……
anek chidiyoN ki kahani sunoge ….
haan sunao…

ek chidiya anek chidiya….
dana chugne baith gayee thi …..
(chorus Smiley didi humen bhi sunao…….

phir se suno…
ek chidiya, anek chidiyaN
dana chugne baith gayee thi …..

WahiN ek byaadh ne jaal bichhaya tha…
byaadh, byaadh kya hota hai didi ?
byaadh … chidiya pakadne wala

to phir kya hua, usne chidiyoN ko pakad liya,…
unhe maar diya ……

Himmat se jo jute rahe to bada kaam bhi hove bhaiya..
bada kaam bhi hove bhaiya …
1..2..3.. furrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Chaturrr cidiyaaN sayaani chidiyaaN,
miljul kar, jaal le kar…
Bhaagi chidiyaaN….

door ek gaaon mein chidiyon ke dost chuhe rahte the….
unhone unka jaal kaat diya………

dekha ekta mein kitni shakti hai……
didi agar hum ek ho jaayen to kya koi bhi kaam kar sakte hain ?
haan haan kyon nahi …
to kya is ped ke aam bhi tod sakte hain Huh
haan magar jugat lagani hogi …


        * * *

achchha ye jugat …. wah bada mazaa aayega….
hind desh ke niwasi sabhi jana ek hain,
rang-roop vesh-bhaasha chahe anek hain

—- repeat —-
bela gulab juhi champa chameli…..
phool hain anek kintu mala phir ek hai …
ek-anek-ek anek

suraj ek, chanda ek, taare anek,
ek gilhari , anek gilhariyaaN,
ek titli, anek titaliyaaN,
ek chidiyaa , anek chidiyaaN……

are bela gulab juhi champa chameli..
phool hain anek kintu mala phir ek hain…..

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