For many people, making money with no money is an unheard way to create wealth. But to the 'wealth enlightened few', it's probably one of the best ways.
Yes, making money is great. Making money with no money is even better, isn't it?
Here's how one did it:
It's known as the "selling-then-buying" technique!
"In college I wanted to sell jewellery to the sororities at the University of Texas at Austin. These young ladies loved jewellery and had the money to pay for it. The trouble was, I didn't have
any jewellery to sell.
No jewellery, That didn't stop me. I found a wholesaler jeweller who accepted my dad's credit card. The jeweller loaned me $3,500 worth of jewellery (at his wholesale price) for 24 hours. Then I set up a 'store'
at the sorority house for an afternoon.
I sold $1000 in jewellery (my cost) for $2000. After I paid the wholesaler for the $1,000 worth of jewellery I sold and returned the other $2,500 worth
of jewellery, I had $1000 profit for the afternoon.
I had borrowed the product, sold it and paid for it with the money I made from the sale!"
So why am I telling you all this?
You see, I understand life might be harsh sometimes. When the odds are not at your favour - no money, no education, no support...
It's easy to play victim and just allow oneself to spiral into the abyss OR you can look at things at another way... since things are already that bad, the only way forward is UP!
By simply shifting your mind set, you change everything. Your focus goes from what I don't have to what I already have and what can I do about it.
You become naturally more resourceful... and that's when miracles happen in your life.
You can create wealth... You can create any reality you want...
Here are two incredible wealth and prosperity mind set resources to align your thinking to the abundance and bountiful...
- Chris Joel
p.s Selling something you don't own, then later buying it to fulfil the order sounds almost illegal or unethical, doesn't it. But in reality it's neither and you can do it too
p.p.s Do you see the possibilities with this technique? You can create wealth anytime... anywhere. The only limitation is in your mind!